FutureCow Teatscrubber® – FAQs
Choosing the right teat prep system is an important decision. So, we assembled a list of the most common questions we get asked by farmers around the world.
Teatscrubber Benefits
To achieve optimal results, keep the following key points in mind:
·PPM & pH – Maintain PPM levels between 800 and 1200 and pH levels between 2.0 and 3.0 for the industry-standard chlorine dioxide solution, which offers 99.999% effective killing power. Verify proper mixing by checking for a green/yellow color.
·Clean Brushes – After prepping each line of cows or every 10 cows in a rotary, spray out the brushes using a parlor drop hose and FutureCow chlorine dioxide. This enhances the sanitation process by removing organic matter from the brush bristles and axles.
·Tail Hair – Regularly remove tail hair to ensure optimal bristle stiffness for effective cleaning.
·Prep Routine –
o Contact Time – To achieve the best letdowns, ensure the brushes physically touch each cow for a minimum of 8 to 10 seconds. More contact time leads to higher stimulation and readiness for milking, improving teat end health.
oPrep Lag Time – Allow 90 to 120 seconds of prep lag time, starting from the initial contact until unit attachment, to optimize milk harvest.
·Drying –Attaching a milking unit to wet teats negatively impacts cow health and milk quality. The FutureCow system includes a quick "up and down" scrubbing motion for the drying step, with the timing adjusted for each cow.
·Sanitizing –The evaporation process during the 90 to 120 seconds between scrubbing and unit attachment is like using an alcohol wipe before receiving a shot at the doctor's office. This is a beneficial effect, and adding emollients, surfactants, or other conditioners to the chlorine dioxide solution may slow down drying or sanitation.
The FutureCow Teatscrubber combines affordability and hybrid technology, akin to robotic systems. It provides an ideal solution for farmers seeking an easier and more consistent method of teat end cleaning. No longer will you need to hold the parlor team accountable for proper teat end wipes or deal with resistance to towel routine expectations. With the FutureCow Teatscrubber, you can have the best of both worlds.
Cost and Installation
Chemical Disinfectant
Brushes and Maintenance
Any More Questions?
We are available to answer all your questions. We have easy ways for you to connect with us:
Call us at +1 407-571-2060
Email us directly at info@futurecow.com
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