FutureCow Teatscrubber® – FAQs

Choosing the right teat prep system is an important decision. So, we assembled a list of the most common questions we get asked by farmers around the world.

Teatscrubber Benefits

How does the Teatscrubber Prep System help with stimulation and letdown?
The Teatscrubber vastly improves tactile stimulation with more consistency to ensure the system will effectively stimulate every cow, no matter who is using it.
Will I need to use towels with your system?
No, the Teatscrubber does the drying for you which allows you to eliminate the cost of towels, washing machines and dryers in most cases.
How does the weight of the Teatscrubber compare to manual teat prep?
Generally, milkers are accustomed to the Teatscrubber within 2 weeks. They will gain muscle memory from using the Teatscrubber and quickly adapt. Milkers benefit from walking back and forth less, no heavy buckets of towels or trash to carry, and no aprons full of towels. Overall muscle activity is reduced when using Teatscrubber as compared to traditional prep. “If parlor production requirements (e.g., quality and consistency) are maintained while simultaneously reducing cumulative muscle loading and worker fatigue, then TS use should be considered in milking parlor operations.”
How does the Teatscrubber Prep System help improve SCC counts?
FutureCow helps improve Somatic Cell Counts by eliminating the organic material from the teats and using a highly effective disinfectant solution (chlorine dioxide) that kills most pathogens quickly, while improving teat end health and reducing hyperkeratosis.
How does the Teatscrubber Prep System help lower cases of Mastitis?
A consistent prep routine, paired with our proprietary disinfectant solution, kills most mastitis causing pathogens greatly reducing incidents of mastitis.
Teatscrubber Best Practices
The FutureCow Teatscrubber has revolutionized the traditional methods of teat end cleaning and the associated leadership responsibilities. Say goodbye to time-consuming towel routines, the need for constant retraining on proper teat end wipes, and concerns about bimodals and filter sock hygiene. With the cost-effective FutureCow Teatscrubber, existing facilities can be easily retrofitted, ensuring a consistent experience for both workers and cows.

To achieve optimal results, keep the following key points in mind:

·PPM & pH – Maintain PPM levels between 800 and 1200 and pH levels between 2.0 and 3.0 for the industry-standard chlorine dioxide solution, which offers 99.999% effective killing power. Verify proper mixing by checking for a green/yellow color.

·Clean Brushes – After prepping each line of cows or every 10 cows in a rotary, spray out the brushes using a parlor drop hose and FutureCow chlorine dioxide. This enhances the sanitation process by removing organic matter from the brush bristles and axles.

·Tail Hair – Regularly remove tail hair to ensure optimal bristle stiffness for effective cleaning.

·Prep Routine –

o Contact Time – To achieve the best letdowns, ensure the brushes physically touch each cow for a minimum of 8 to 10 seconds. More contact time leads to higher stimulation and readiness for milking, improving teat end health.

oPrep Lag Time – Allow 90 to 120 seconds of prep lag time, starting from the initial contact until unit attachment, to optimize milk harvest.

·Drying –Attaching a milking unit to wet teats negatively impacts cow health and milk quality. The FutureCow system includes a quick "up and down" scrubbing motion for the drying step, with the timing adjusted for each cow.

·Sanitizing –The evaporation process during the 90 to 120 seconds between scrubbing and unit attachment is like using an alcohol wipe before receiving a shot at the doctor's office. This is a beneficial effect, and adding emollients, surfactants, or other conditioners to the chlorine dioxide solution may slow down drying or sanitation.

The FutureCow Teatscrubber combines affordability and hybrid technology, akin to robotic systems. It provides an ideal solution for farmers seeking an easier and more consistent method of teat end cleaning. No longer will you need to hold the parlor team accountable for proper teat end wipes or deal with resistance to towel routine expectations. With the FutureCow Teatscrubber, you can have the best of both worlds.

Cost and Installation

How much does the FutureCow Prep System cost?
The cost of the system is dependent on the type and size of your parlor, plus a few other set-up factors. Your local dealer will be able to break down the cost for you based on the individual needs of your dairy. Please visit our Dealer Locator page to find your local dealer.
What equipment will I need for my parlor?
Equipment needs are based on number of Teatscrubber drops required and the type of control panel you choose. For example, one Double 10 Parallel Parlor will likely require one Teatscrubber hanging in the parlor, a control box, a chemical mixing system, and one spare scrubber.
How much training is required to use the system?
You and your employees will be trained on the day of your install. We also provide step-by-step instructions in the User Manual. Follow up training sessions are available upon request.

Chemical Disinfectant

What chemical do you use for pre-milking prep?
Our system uses a chlorine dioxide solution to disinfect teats. Chlorine dioxide is a quick kill disinfectant that acts quickly to kill microorganisms on the teat while leaving the skin healthy. No solution used in any teat scrubber on the market is more effective than chlorine dioxide – and FutureCow is the only teat scrubber system that can use it.
Why not iodine? What is the advantage of using your chemical?
Most iodine-based dips start killing bacteria after 30 to 35 seconds of contact while chlorine dioxide is a quick kill disinfectant that starts 10 seconds or less after contact. Additionally, iodine leaves a residue on the teat that must be wiped off prior to milking while chlorine dioxide does not. Plus, chlorine dioxide is a more cost-effective option when compared to iodine.
Can I change the concentration of the chemical?
Yes, you can adjust the concentration based on the needs of your parlor.

Brushes and Maintenance

What is the maintenance like for the FutureCow Prep System?
FutureCow’s Teatscrubber® was designed to be zero maintenance. The only thing required on your farm is simple brush changes. Brushes can be changed in less than 5 minutes with no tools required.
How long do the brushes last?
We recommend changing the top brushes in your scrubber every 10,000 milkings. We recommend changing the bottom brush in your scrubber every 20,000 milkings.

Any More Questions?

We are available to answer all your questions. We have easy ways for you to connect with us:

Call us at +1 407-571-2060
Email us directly at info@futurecow.com
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