Teat Prep Products
At FutureCow we know the success of your farm depends on the health and well-being of your herd. We engineer reliable products to help make your farm more efficient and profitable – all with the utmost consideration for animal comfort.

FutureCow Prep System®
The FutureCow Teatscrubber® Prep System preps teats for milking in one easy step. Teatscrubber gently washes, disinfects, stimulates, and dries teats in one easy, consistent process.
Chlorine Dioxide
There's a third ingredient that gives healthier teats and better milk quality successful recipe – FutureCow’s Chlorine Dioxide solution. The combination of all three is the most effective way to prep teats.
Mobile Teatscubber
Mobile Cart is the perfect option for tie-stall or stanchion barns with 200 cows or less to wash, disinfect, stimulate, and dry teats in one easy, consistent process.
Udder Mister
FutureCow’s Udder Mister is a fully automated teat dip sprayer. The system works with most standard teat dips and automatically sprays teats prior to or after milking.