FutureCow SmartLab

AI-Powered Mastitis Detection

Introducing FutureCow SmartLab, an AI-powered on-farm mastitis detection system designed to revolutionize dairy herd health. With SmartLab, you can efficiently test for and identify mastitis in less than 24-hours. Reduce the use of antibiotics on your herd with quick and easy identification.

Win the Fight Against Mastitis

Reduce Antibiotic Use and Improve Milk Production

SmartLab works to enhance your dairy's efficiency with rapid mastitis testing, reduced antibiotic usage and increased milk production.

  • Accurately identify and efficiently treat mastitis

  • Save money on antibiotic use

  • Staff can be trained in under one hour to use it

  • Increase milk production by treating fewer cows

    How Does It Work?

    SmartLab offers comprehensive tools for on-farm mastitis testing, enabling rapid identification of mastitis-causing pathogens within 24 hours.

    • After collecting the sample and setting it up to incubate, your results will be ready in 24 hours.

    • SmartLab will show results right on your phone, guiding you on whether or not to treat. If treatable, system will list most effective antibiotics to use based on your uploaded protocols.

    • SmartLab can be integrated into your farm's selective dry cow therapy program, improving the judicial use of antibiotic use.

    • Use the system to run bulk tank cultures, string sample cultures, and identify clinical and subclinical mastitis.

      FutureCow SmartLab AI Culturing

      FutureCow Blog

      Know Your Bug to Choose Your Drug

      Request More Information

      Use the form below to request a quote, including shipping to your location. We will contact you within 24-48 hours of your request. 

      You can also email us directly with your request or questions at info@futurecow.com or call us at 407-571-2060.