Case Studies

FutureCow’s Teatscrubber boasts superior milk quality, fewer mastitis cases, and potential labor savings. The case studies below show real results from FutureCow customers. These farms have seen significant improvement in somatic cell counts, a decrease in mastitis cases, and opportunities to reduce labor costs when using our Teatscrubber in their parlor.

Teatscrubber vs. Predipping 

Teat preparation and teat hygiene are key preventative factors in reducing Anaerobic Spore-forming Bacteria (ASFB), a common cause of spoilage in cheese. So how does FutureCow’s Teatscrubber Prep System compare to pre-dipping? This study compared the effect of a teat scrubber vs. pre-dipping on reduction of butyric acid forming anaerobes count. The study was conducted in 2 dairy farms in Argentina utilizing FutureCow’s Teatscrubber Prep System and its proprietary use of chlorine dioxide.


Monthly bulk tank milk samples were collected for Anaerobic Spore-forming Bacteria (ASFB) microbiological analysis. The anaerobic spore content and bacterial counts were obtained for statistical analysis and comparison.


FutureCow’s Teatscrubber using chlorine dioxide reduced the ASFB content in milk 48% compared to pre-dipping.

Impact of Chlorine Dioxide on Bacterial Counts 

The study compared the ability of the teat scrubber system to remove bacteria from teats cleaned using the automated teat scrubber as compared to teats prepared using conventional methods (forestrip, predip with 0.5% iodine, dry).


Teat skin swabs were taken before and after preparation and analyzed for different bacterial counts (Total Bacterial Count, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. and Gram-negative Bacteria). Reduction for each bacterial count was calculated as the difference between the samples collected before and after preparation.


For teats that were cleaned using the automated teat scrubber system, the concentration of chlorine dioxide was extremely important and found to significantly influence the teat scrubber’s cleaning performance. Results from our analysis indicate that as the concentration of chlorine dioxide increased, the reduction in bacterial counts also increased. The FutureCow Teatscrubber prep system can be as effective in reducing bacterial counts on teats (or more effective for Gram-negative bacteria) when the concentration of chlorine dioxide is kept at >500 ppm.

Senkovo Farm

Interviews From: Senkovo Farm – Belarus 
Date: April 2020 
Parlor: Freestall with straw bedding, milking 670 cows

Senkovo’s objective was to improve milk quality while reducing the consumption of resources and increasing profitability.  Within 2 months of installing FutureCow Teatscrubber, Senkovo Farm achieved this. They experienced a drop in clinical mastitis cases from 75 to 38 and their SCC dropped from 460 to 170.  These significant reductions led to premium bonuses of $12,000/month. Senkovo was also able to shave off 2.5 hours/day from their prep time resulting in more savings.

Kinnard Farms

Interviews From: Brent Eisenmen, Parlor Manager – USA
Date: Original August 2012; Updated April 2020
Parlor: Double 36 and 100 stall rotary milking 6,100 cows

Upon installation of the FutureCow Teatscrubber, Kinnard Farms was in the middle of an expansion. Without having to add any extra help in the parlor, the teatscrubber allowed them to grow from 1800 cows to 6500 cows. Kinnard Farms is now milking faster and with a lower SCC and less mastitis than with fewer cows. In 2 years, SCC went from 228,000 to 199,000. Their mastitis went from 2% to less than 1%.

Rigid Farm

Interviews From: Mr Morita, Rigid Farm -Japan
Date: 2017
Parlor: Double 16  milking 250 cows

After installing FutureCow Teatscrubber, Rigid Farms reduced their mastitis cases from 10% to 2%. They also lowered their SCC to under 160 resulting in a 1% price premium. Mr Morita, owner of Rigid Farms, credits FutureCow for enabling him to fulfill his goals for excellence in dairy management and being a role model for other family dairies.


Interviews From: Jim Van Patter
Date: August 2017
Parlor: Double 12 Herringbone milking 900 cows

When Jim started at C-Dairy the farm was using Puli Sistem for their prep. Their Somatic Cell Count was averaging 302,000. Jim, being familiar with FutureCow, switched to the FutureCow Teatscrubber and within one month had the SCC down to 253,000. Since then their SCC has steadily decreased and is now sitting at an average of 90,000.


Interviews From: Ron and Tyler Seibel
Date: June 2017
Parlor: Tie-Stall Barn with 2 milkers and 8 machines

Upon installation of the FutureCow Teatscrubber, Len-Don Farms was able to shave 30 minutes off of their prep time and add one more milking machine. They also saw a decrease in their SCC with the starting average around 289,000 and now around 84,000. Len-Don also experienced a bump in milk average. They currently hold the highest milk average in the county milking 2x with an average between 84-110lb of milk per cow.

Murph Ko Farms

Interviews From: Brian and Scott Murphy
Date: September 2014
Parlor: Double 16 with 2 milkers and 1 pusher

Upon the installation of the FutureCow Teatscrubber, Murph Ko Farms rather quickly reaped the rewards of the system. They eliminated one position per shift, eliminated towels, established a consistent prep routine, noticed faster milk let out, and improved teat-ends. Their SCC went from 249,000 to 96,000 in four years.

Hamlin Valley

Interviews From: Gary Gullicksrud
Date: October 2012
Parlor: Double 30 with 3 milkers and 1 pusher

Upon installation of the FutureCow Teatscrubber, Hamlin Valley was suffering from growing pains and inconsistent prep . Their initial improvements consisted of eliminating one position from the parlor by going from 4 milkers to 3. Although they eliminated a person, they still saw a decrease in prep time because of the consistent routine that had been established by using the Teatscrubber. In addition to the prep changes, they were able to lower their SCC, plate counts, and mastitis.